
Thursday, August 25, 2011


"Children come through you. Your child belongs to you and then they belong to the   world."    Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Back To School !

As usual, the summer flew by. Yesterday was  my son's first day back to school. The most exciting part is that my son is a senior in high school. That's right. He just turned 17 this past July. He also passed his annual physical with flying colors! Every year I have the doctor order a complete lab work up to make super sure his body is receiving and not lacking in vitamins, nutrients, proteins, and that all levels are within normal range. 
Happy and healthy is what this mom strives for around here. My child's physical and emotional well-being is my first priority. Always has been and always will be. We have a VERY busy school year ahead of us. My son has a "full plate" so to say coming up that includes school work, preparing for college auditions, college applications and having lots of fun being a senior. 
Then I realized how easy is was all summer preparing great food while he was around. Now we have to prepare great food to go! Lunches and snacks have to make it through the school day and beyond. And lets not forget to stock the fridge with healthy after school food for when late afternoon munchies hit! Great ideas in the next post.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Oy, He Won't Grow !

He's too thin! He won't grow! This is a very important time when his body needs meat! He won't get any protein! He won't develop normally! I don't like this! I'm sorry, but I have a problem with this! I disagree! What kind of mishegas (craziness) is this!? 

OH, did I hear about allowing my son to eat a vegan diet. From time to time, I still do! I had to get used to people rolling their eyes at me. I remember the first time I told the pediatrician about his diet, even he rolled his eyes at me. I didn't like that. I thought it was very disrespectful. I knew then that I had to seriously educate myself. I was getting tired of having to defend my son's diet. Much to my surprise, when we did get questioned, especially in restaurants, my son was quick to not only answer any question thrown at him, he displayed great pleasure  and enjoyment in explaining and educating people, and even trying to dispel any myths or misconceptions about his choices. This proved to me that people are curious about my son, and want to know and understand why he chose to be vegan. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

What's a Vegan?

       In 2007,  my son announced to me at the age of thirteen that he wanted to eat a vegetarian diet. I said OK. I walked into the grocery store with fresh eyes, looking for what I needed to buy, cook, and feed my young teenage son so he would be fed a nutritious, healthy diet. I was all set, good to go. I researched, and collected recipes. I really got into it, and enjoyed finding new ways to make new dishes. I love to cook and bake so everything worked out and to be honest with you, I figured this new vegetarian diet was just another phase and one that  would pass quickly. In 2008, my son then announced "mom, I want to eat a vegan diet." My immediate first question to him was "what's a vegan?" I basically had no idea. He explained in detail what a vegan is as well as why he was choosing this diet. My son also backed up EVERYTHING he was explaining to me with astonishing research. This kid had done his homework! He came prepared. 

       My initial reaction was fear, uncertainty, and his health. He was at a crucial stage where puberty and growth was about to take place! As a mom, I was worried. I went on to think that there was nothing left for him to eat! I also had so many worries and concerns. How was he going to grow properly? How would he get enough protein? How was I going to explain this to the rest of the family? The vegetarian diet was one thing, but now this?? I had to start from scratch all over again. But this time, when I walked into the grocery store, everything as I once knew it to be had briskly become foreign to me. I started spending many hours reading labels, learning new words for new ingredients, asking questions, and  researching everything I could find to learn how to navigate through this new vegan diet. 

       As I look back, I think there must be other parents out there who have had their children stun them as well. I have discovered that being a vegan is not just about diet. It is about a life style change. One that involves an ethical, humane way of living that shines a light on the earth and all who inhabit this planet. One that I respect. I embraced my son's ethical choice to live a vegan lifestyle, based on the respect and love I have for my son. I went on to learn and educate myself so that I could continue to raise a healthy, happy boy.